Your business cards aren’t just another thing to check off your small business marketing to do list. These small pieces of paper have the potential to make a huge impact on potential customers as it contributes to your overall brand awareness and perception.
When designing new marketing material, it’s not uncommon to experience a bit of analysis paralysis. Does this design flow or have I been staring at it for far too long? Is this too much information? Is it not enough information? So on and so forth.
In an effort to help simplify the design process for you, we’ve compiled a list of 5 key things to look over as you design your next set of business cards for your small business.
Prioritize Readability and Simplicity
The most important function of a business card is to communicate your most essential information in a clear manner. As you work towards this goal, begin to consider things like your font. Is it legible? Is the font large enough for others to read it without squinting without overwhelming the face of the design? Fonts on business cards should typically not be any smaller than 8-10 points. In addition, while it can be tempting to opt for fancy or whimsy fonts, readability should always be top priority. You want to make sure your name, job title, company name, and contact information (phone number, email, and website) are easily readable.
Avoid cluttering your card with too much text or unnecessary information. Less is more—stick to the basics. Clean designs have a more professional appeal while ensuring the that the recipient isn’t overwhelmed or confused by the card’s contents.
Reflect Your Brand Identity
Your business card should be an extension of your personal or corporate brand. Make sure the colors you choose reflect that of your brand along with consistent typography. Consider the business you are representing, whether it be a law firm or creative agency, so that the right tone is communicated through your design. For example, a colorful card with a more whimsy appeal may work better for a creative professional, while a minimalist design may be more appropriate for someone in the finance or legal industry.
Think about your personal brand and what it represents. Are you modern and forward-thinking, or traditional and conservative? Your card design should reflect that image.
Choose Quality Materials
The feel of your business card matters just as much as how it looks. A flimsy, cheap-feeling card can undermine even the most well-designed layout. Opt for high-quality cardstock, as the weight and durability will work to give your card more of a solid, high-quality, and sophisticated feel. Consider using a matte or gloss finish and explore unique textures like embossed logos or foil stamping for a more distinctive look.
Use Space Effectively
Business cards are small, so make the most of the available space. Consider double-sided cards, with your key information on one side and additional details or a logo on the other. Avoid cramming too much onto one side; instead, create a balanced layout with sufficient white space, which will make the card more visually appealing and easier to read.
Include a Call to Action
Although business cards are often exchanged in person, consider adding a subtle call to action. This could be a website URL, social media handle, or even a QR code that leads recipients to your portfolio or LinkedIn profile. This will make your card interactive and encourage further engagement from your audience.
All and all, an effective business card design strikes the perfect balance between form and function. By ensuring your design is clear, reflects the tone of your brand, and by using high-quality materials, your business cards have the potential to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Need help designing and printing your next small business marketing material? Contact us at Triangle Printing and Marketing today!